Metanet Techtalk
Every 2nd Thursday of the month: Come and join our monthly meetup to learn about technologies, products, developments in Bitcoin SV. Join our group at meetup.com to get notified in time.

Hello Metanet Developer Workshop
For the 7th time we are coming together in Berlin to educate each other on how to build applications and services on the BSV Blockchain. This is a workshop for developers and builders of all shapes and sizes. Please register. Seats are limited and fun is guaranteed!

Metanet Techtalk #39
2022 has been eventful for BSV-land! We take a look back on what happened in 2022, and dare to look what BSV has in store for 2023. Ekhard Seeßelberg gives a "The state of BSV address".

Metanet Techtalk #38
Greg Ward presents Ticketmint, the world’s first scalable onchain NFT blockchain empowered ticketing solution for both virtual and physical events. TicketMint allows artists and event organizers to regain control of the secondary ticketing market.

Hello Metanet Developer Workshop
For the 6th time we are coming together in Berlin to educate each other on how to build applications and services on the BSV Blockchain. This is a workshop for developers and builders of all shapes and sizes. Please register. Seats are limited and fun is guaranteed!

Metanet Techtalk #37
Almost 15 years ago, an anonymous inventor attempted to create a new digital money system. After some teething problems, Bitcoin quickly gained a worldwide following. Over time, countless copies and variations spawned from the invention, evolving into a trillion-dollar industry to create the crypto world we know today.

Metanet Techtalk #36
Vala is an open-source platform for peer-to-peer betting markets. It lets you trade event derivates and earn Bitcoin by creating your own markets or providing liquidity. All markets and trades exist on an open protocol on Bitcoin SV.

Bitcoin - Past, present and future
Bitcoin offers an alternative to the monopolised digital economy. But, to invent the future, you must understand the past. We will present three talks where we look at the story of Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoins inventor, at the currente state of his vision only to take a trip into the future where Bitcoin, like the Gutenberg Press, has challenged the monopolies of the digital economy. Speakers: Lizette Louw, Stefan Landrock, Ekhard Seeßelberg

Bitcoin for Kids
Bitcoins are ideal for kids. These coins never break or get destroyed in the wash. Join in for a hands-on Bitcoin Beginner class and learn to use Bitcoin to your advantage safely and with ease.

Metanet Techtalk #35
Tokenized have created a token system to manage digital assets from issuance through trading to redemption. We will take a look how Tokenized works, and what sets it apart from other token systems on Bitcoin.

Metanet Techtalk #34
We are pleased to have Siggi Óskarsson presenting BUX - The Swiss Army Knife for Bitcoin Apps. BUX Engine is a Web3 go library for native Bitcoin integration dramatically improving the speed of apps for UTXO information and management.

Metanet Techtalk #33
Gate2Chain has built a platform which allows to easily develop applications on Bitcoin. Joe Holles de Peyer is co-founder and COO of Gate2Chain and will talk about the goals and capabilites of their system.

Metanet Techtalk #32
In this special edition of Metanet Techtalk we are extremely excited to have Mihael Sinkec, developer at sCrypt, as our guest speaker. sCrypt, a high-level smart contract language similar to Ethereum's Solidity, allows developers to write smart contracts 10,000 times cheaper compared to Ethereum.

Hello Metanet Developer Workshop
Hello again! For the 5th time we are coming together in Berlin to educate each other on how to build applications and services on the BSV Blockchain. This is a workshop for developers and builders of all shapes and sizes. Please register. Seats are limited and fun is guaranteed!

Metanet Techtalk #31
In this #31 edition of Metanet Techtalk we will showcase the best apps & services of the Bitcoin (SV) ecosystem.Join us to learn about technologies, products, developments and maybe some gossip in the Bitcoin SV economy.

Meta.Salon Meetup #2
More than 250M NFTs have been listed on OpenSea the biggest marketplace for NFT today. Who is benefitting the most? What are the most interesting artists and collections. Are NFTs really art or are they just digital kitsch?

Metanet Techtalk #30
In this #30 edition of Metanet Techtalk we will talk about … TBA.
Come and join us to learn about technologies, products, developments and maybe some gossip in the Bitcoin SV economy.

Meta.Salon Meetup #1
We're now starting to host Meta.Salon as a new monthly Meetup and we are excited to share that our very first guest speaker: Greg Hochmuth, a Berlin-born Silicon Valley Veteran, artist and entrepreneur from New York.

Metanet Techtalk #29
In this edition of Metanet Techtalk we will focus on what people don’t seem to understand about Bitcoin: forks and energy efficiency. Keynote: "A tale of three forks - BTC vs. BCH vs. BSV"
Lightning Talk: "Coin Carbon Cap -Comparing Energy efficiency of PoW blockchains”

Metanet Techtalk #28
Come and join us to learn about technologies, products, developments and maybe some gossip in the Bitcoin SV economy.